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Current Balance CREDITS DEBITS
Team (Owner) $ Received Winnings Own. Fee Trade Fees Entry Fee Trades Additional $10 Trades NOTES
Los Monos de Pepino (1), Tony Livernois $- $100 $(20) $(80) 8
La Due–a del Swing (2), Jenny Leigh $- $100 $(20) $(80) 8
Who's Your Padre (3), Jack Tripp $- $100 $(20) $(80) 8
Maddog's Maulers (4), Mike Skoien $- $100 $(20) $(80) 8
Max Scherzer's Blue Eye (5), Samuel Lewis $- $100 $(20) $(80) 8
Uncle Vanya's Morphine (6), Joe Livernois $- $100 $(20) $(80) 8
Seal Key Sullivans (7), Bill Cunning $- $100 $(20) $(80) 8
Scoots Bigelow (8), Scott Allen $- $100 $(20) $(80) 8
Donald Trump Signed My Bible (9), Sue Klinkhamer $- $100 $(20) $(80) 8
The Truckfumpers (10), Paul Martin $100 $100 $100 $(20) $(80) 8 $100 credit for winning 2018 Championship
The Strokes (11), Aaron Pankoke $- $100 $(20) $(80) 8
Clemente's Clubhouse (12), Cindy Cunning $- $100 $(20) $(80) 8
Doc Ellis D (13), Frank Sumrall $- $100 $(20) $(80) 8
OmaÕs TripsÕ Picks (14), Suzie Rochellle $- $100 $(20) $(80) 8
Maizie's Marauder's (15), Kevin Trant $- $100 $(20) $(80) 8
Page Down (16), Vince Livernois $- $100 $(20) $(80) 8
Donde Esta Mi Cerveza (17), Tom Kinchus $- $100 $(20) $(80) 8
Ochre Stockings (18), Ray Brennan $- $100 $(20) $(80) 8
ChicoÕs Bail Bonds (19), David Kohanzo $- $100 $(20) $(80) 8
Mar-a-Lago Orange Sox (20), Joe Kelly $- $100 $(20) $(80) 8
DeegerÕs Dogs (21), DJay Anderson $- $100 $(20) $(80) 8
Guzzlyn Suds (22), Steve McNelley $- $100 $(20) $(80) 8
There's No Crying In Baseball (23), Steph Livernois-Wigton $- $100 $(20) $(80) 8
Dongwhipped (24), Kevin Klinkhamer $- $100 $(20) $(80) 8
Love Me Ortiz Me (25), Kathy Lamkin $- $100 $(20) $(80) 8
Valley Bombers (26), Jeff Burns $- $100 $(20) $(80) 8
Auntie Ann Bleeds Blue (27), Ann Livernois $- $100 $(20) $(80) 8
Gabriel's Heroes (28), Josh Walker $- $100 $(20) $(80) 8
Totals: $100 $2,800 $100 $(560) $(2,240) 224 0
Send checks for trade fees to: Joe Livernois, 502 Larkin, Monterey CA 93940
Or, pay using PayPal.
Free Trades Earned for Recruiting
. Paul Martin earned one free trade for recruiting Ann Livernois
Copyright © 2019 by Joe Livernois & Tony Livernois
All rights reserved.